In collaboration with our partners at the Central Oregon Peacekeepers, we have identified Scott Martin as a violent militia member who commonly uses the handle “Bo Hica” on social media. Scott currently lives in Boise, Idaho, but he had been living in Redmond Oregon up until June of 2022. During his stint in Central Oregon he was involved with the American Patriot Three Percent militia group and Peoples Rights, both of which have ties to the broader far right militia movement that was active during the racial justice protests in 2020 and the subsequent “stop the steal” movement that coalesced around the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. A precursory glance at Scott’s social media reveals he has threatened overt acts of violence against community members and social justice advocates on multiple occasions, including calls for vigilantism when he feels the state is not enforcing the law against anyone he deems as “antifa” and threats to commit mass shootings on facebook.
Full Name: Scott Alexander Martin
Aliases: Bo Hica, Boris Hica, Alex Martin, Scott Martin II, Bo Fubar Hica
Photos of Social Media:
social media:
Places lived
Redmond OR
Boise, Idaho (currently)
Clear Photo:
American Patriots Three Percent:
The Three Percent militia is an umbrella term for a number of different organizations that have traditionally held antigovernment, right wing populist, christian nationalist, libertarian, and southern revanchist ideologies. While there are many legitimate criticisms of the government, the Three Percenters often indulge in baseless fringe conspiracy theories that are not only patently absurd but encourage real world violence. Their ideology centers around the idea that they are the ideological descendents of the revolutionaries who fought against the British because they believe it is their duty to overthrow a “tyrannical” US government. Recently their rhetoric has shifted from simple opposition to laws they deem as “unconstitutional” to an unwavering support of the Trump presidency, opposition to the 2020 protests in response to the death of George Floyd, and the embrace of conspiracy theories like Qanon. The Three Percenters also played a huge role in the “Stop The Steal” movement and were present during the January 6th storming of the US Capitol, the latter resulting in their designation as a terrorist entity by the Canadian government.
The American Patriot Three Percent militia is a faction of the Three Percent movement that coalesced during the backlash against the election of Barack Obama in 2009. Originally founded in New York, the group now has a presence in many states, and regularly engages in paramilitary training/ activism. In Oregon they have been particularly active due to their participation in the 2016 occupation of the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge and their efforts to protect Oregon lawmakers who fled the state in an attempt to block climate change legislation. Members of the AP Three Percent have also been a common sight at Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer rallies that have taken place on the Portland waterfront, where they could be seen marching alongside neo-fascist groups like the Proud Boys. In addition, They have been a fixture at numerous pro-trump rallies in Eugene, Salem and parts of Central Oregon.

Peoples Rights:
Peoples Rights is a far right militia initially formed by Ammon Bundy in response to mandates intended to curb the spread of COVID-19. While the group formed in Idaho they are now the largest paramilitary group in Oregon, encompassing numerous former Three Percent groups and people who have engaged in opposition to COVID mandates, opposition to the 2020 protests in response to racial injustice, election denialism, and other issues that have recently animated the far right ( this has included opposition to LGBT rights). Currently Peoples Rights in Oregon is led by BJ Soper, who founded the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard and has since been a common sight at far right protests in Central Oregon. Additionally , Peoples Rights appears to have a friendly relationship with the Bend Police Department, in part because the Bend sheriff has spoken with the group on numerous occasions, and Bend PD has allowed members of PR to participate in brawls with local activists without consequence. A member of the Bend PD was also spotted with a Three Percent patch, which despite the resulting fervent public outcry went largely ignored by the then chief of police Mike Krantz
Scott Martins Militia activity:
In 2020 Scott Martin was affiliated with the American Patriots Three Percent militia. He attended numerous armed militia rallies in Prineville that served as a backlash against the then ongoing protests after the death of George Floyd. Other well known militia members were in attendance including BJ Soper, Three Percent member Jarred Tyrea Robinson, and Albany militia member Paul Luhrs.
Scott has also advertised his affiliation with the AP Three Percenters on the site Mymilitia, which was created as a social media platform for militias to recruit new members. Even though the site mostly consists of boomers who frequently go on incoherent constitutional rants, it has been linked to violent activities, including threats to bomb government buildings and directions on how to construct various weapons and explosives.

In the wake of the January 6th 2021 insurrection the AP Three Percenters largely folded into Peoples Rights in an apparent attempt to distance themselves from the Three Percent brand. Throughout 2021, Peoples Rights participated in protests across Central Oregon, including an anti-mask/anti vax event in front of Redmond High School that took place in January 2022. The event was reportedly monitored by the FBI and largely consisted of several members of Peoples Rights handing out free McDonalds coupons in an attempt to goad students into eschewing the high school’s mask mandates. Scott Martin was in attendance at the event, alongside well known militia member Scott Stuart.
As mentioned previously, Martin recently moved to Idaho, and is now an active member of the Idaho Liberty Dogs. The group has been known to harass homeless members of the community and like their militia counterparts in Oregon, have whipped up fear and paranoia about the Black Lives Matter movement. They have attempted to disrupt LGBTQ+ events on numerous occasions, which is a reflection of the rhetoric that is being used to demonize the LGBTQ+ community that has shaped an extremely dangerous trend on the far right.
History of Threats
We have known about Scott Martins activities for a while, but his most recent actions have left us no choice but to expose his identity. In the last couple of days, Martin threatened to carry out a mass shooting at a Pride parade in Boise on Facebook. While most fash will try to keep their threats vague or conceal their identities in the case they are directly threatening someone, Martin’s threats are not only specific in nature but are posted under his usual alias (Boris Hica).
This is not the first time Martin has threatened members of the community. He had previously threatened to burn down the BIPOC friendly Worthy Brewing company on the East Side of Bend after they hosted an event put on by the Central Oregon Peacekeepers. Since then Martin has posted a list of people he would like to see dead, which included the pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Bend, Deschutes county district attorney John Hummel, and numerous social justice advocates local to the Bend area. As mentioned previously he has also made numerous calls for vigilantism against BLM activists, stating that its time for “good ole’ fashioned cowboy law.”
Martin has made numerous antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ comments on his Facebook, including a post equating Judaism with Satanism, an old anti-semitic trope.
Due to his constant threats and his escalating rhetoric on Facebook, Scott remains a clear and present danger to the community and is at risk of committing a lone wolf act of violence. If you have any more information on Scott Martins activities or affiliations please email