In light of recent events we have chosen to write a new exposé on Jacob Laskey, who has recently moved to Central Oregon to engage in Nazi organizing. Before we go on, we would like to mention that this article was created with help from the Central Oregon Peacekeepers and Eugene Antifa. In January 2023, we became aware of Laskey’s presence in the Bend area due to a flyer advertising a metal show called “Murderfest 2023” that would supposedly be taking place at the beginning of Summer at an undisclosed location near Bend, and would feature a number of well known NSBM bands based out of Southern California. According to the flyer the show was being hosted by Cuthean productions and Killer Vril Distro. When we looked at the instagram for the 2 production companies it became obvious that the account was being run by Laskey and his current girlfriend, who are both currently living in Gilchrist, a town near Bend. In this article we will reveal Laskey’s history of hate crimes and white power organizing, as well as the bands that Laskey invited to participate in his metal show and its current status.
As many know, Laskey is not a new addition to the Neo Nazi scene in the Pacific Northwest, as he has been exposed numerous times by various antifascist groups. His association with the white power movement seems to go back to the early 2000‘s, and since then he has been a member of a litany of white supremacist groups. While engaging in Neo Nazi organizing Laskey has demonstrated violent tendencies, having been in and out of prison numerous times in the past 2 decades. His first run in with the law stemmed from an incident in Jacksonville, Florida where Laskey participated in stabbing a black man after a Neo Nazi skinhead festival. Because he was not the main participant in the attack he was sentenced to probation. In 2002 Laskey and 4 other fellow white supremacists including his younger brother threw swastika etched stones through the windows of a local synagogue in Eugene. As a result he was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison. Part of this sentence was also due to a charge alleging that Laskey threatened to bomb the federal courthouse in Eugene, as well as murder a witness involved in the case. After serving 10 years Laskey was released in 2015, only to return after stabbing a fellow white supremacist. Laskey has also been arrested for meth use and assaulting his father. The latter caused his then spouse to file a restraining order because the fight was witnessed by his stepdaughter. Laskeys most recent run in with law enforcement stems from an incident at the beginning of January 2023 where Laskey is alleged to have assaulted his current partner in front of his stepchild (again) while pulled over on the side of a road. When confronted by bystanders he drove away at an extremely high speed. After being followed by the bystanders who had witnessed the assault Laskey recklessly weaved through stopped cars and went through the center median. He is currently in the Deschutes county jail awaiting trial for felony assault and reckless driving
Jacob Laskey
Laskey‘s mugshot after his 2011 arrest in Florida
Jacob Laskey‘s 2023 arrest in Bend
History of White Power organizing
As mentioned previously Laskey has a long history in the white supremacist movement, beginning with his involvement with Volksfront. Volksfront was a Pacific Northwest based Neo-Nazi skinhead gang that was active in the Oregon prison system. The group has committed numerous assaults against people of color, jews, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. One prominent member, Kurtis Monschke, was also convicted for murdering a homeless man in Tacoma, Washington and received a sentence of life in prison without parole after being found guilty. Volksfront also has a long history of targeting synagogues. In 1994 a member of the group shot at a synagogue in Eugene. Oregon (The same one Laskey attacked). Several rounds broke the synagogue’s windows and damaged the interior. The perpetrator was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison on a litany of charges including first degree intimidation. Volksfront also played a huge role in the 90’s white power music scene, having been directly involved with the founding of several white power bands. The group has also held numerous Neo Nazi skinhead music festivals that brought together a conglomerate of Neo Nazi groups and skinhead gangs, including their annual event which was dubbed ”aryan fest.” All of this may explain Laskey‘s affinity for white power music and National Socialist Black Metal (nsbm) and his ties to various bands. It is also important to note that Volksfronts ideology largely resembles that of the Pacific Northwest territorial imperative founded by Richard Butler, which up until its demise sought to turn the Pacific Northwest into a whites only homeland. Laskey was deeply involved in the group in the early 2000‘s, and served as its representative at the Aryan nations world congress, an annual meeting in Idaho that was hosted by Richard Butlers group Aryan Nations which featured prominent white power groups around the country, including skinheads and klansmen.
Jacob Laskey when he was still a member of Volksfront
In 2015, after his stint in federal prison and the dissolution of Volksfront, Laskey moved to Creswell, Oregon, where he worked in his family’s Nazi themed gun store called “Wolfclan Armory”. During his time working for his family’s business he sold anti-antifa merch using Wolfclan Armory’s Facebook page and ran a youtube channel where he went on long winded rants against ”antifa“ and claimed that the earth was flat and that the international space station is a government hoax. He also attempted to reincarnate the neo nazi skinhead group called American Front, a gang that was founded in California but had a national presence. During its tenure the group was accused of numerous murders, assaults, and bombings, some of which were targeted at synagogues. Laskey initially announced his revamp of American Front when he published a book laying out American Fronts new constitution called “The Grey Book.” In 2016 the group with Laskey at its forefront announced its official reformation. The new version of American Front was largely split into 3 organizations: Greystorm productions, American Patriot Brigade (APB) and American Front itself. Greystorm llc largely functioned as the public facing side of American Front, and was operated as a business on facebook that sold nazi themed merch in an attempt to raise money for the main AF organization. American Patriots brigade served as the vetting arm of the group, which included new members that AF was trying to onboard. APB did most of the recruiting for AF, and it was active in a variety of Neo-Nazi spaces in the Pacific Northwest.
Laskey (third from left in the back row) with members of American FrontLaskey‘s ”Greybook“American Front twitter account run by Jacob Laskey
The membership of the new and brief reincarnation of American front included a host of well known Neo Nazis, including Steve Shallenberger, Justin Marbury, matthew combs, and Bethany Sherman (aka the weed nazi). American Front also had ties to Eugene based Neo Nazi Jimmy Marr, who is well known for displaying large swastikas on his truck while driving down the I-5 corridor. Members of American Front participated in a holocaust denial rally outside of Marr’s house in Springfield, and had a presence in the Cascadian Coffee Company discord server that Marr and his associates were a part of.
members of the Cascadian Coffee company discord server discuss making an AF group chat. Blackhat16 is the alias used by Matthew CombsMembers of American Front, American Patriots Brigade and the Cascadian Coffee Company discord staging a holocaust denial rally outside of Jimmy Marr‘s house in Eugene, Oregon. Laskey is not present
We also cannot overlook Laskeys ties to the paganistic Neo-Nazi group Operation Werewolf. The group, named after a failed nazi military operation in the last days before Germany’s surrender to the allies, largely serves as the recruiting arm of the Wolves of Vinland, another neo-völkish cult that has committed numerous acts of racially motivated property destruction and violence in the past. Operation Werewolf largely presents itself as a mens weight lifting club that promotes traditional male values (i.e toxic masculinity and anti-feminism) and sees itself as a way to prepare young men for the eventual decay of modern society (a common theme in fascist ideology is the idea that modern democratic society is impure or degenerate and bound to collapse). The group’s ideology is primitivist, advocating for deindustrialization and the abandonment of technological pursuits, and takes inspiration from famous primitivist figures like Tyler Durden and Ted Kazysinski. Operation Werewolf also advocates for a return to old germanic/norse paganism, and many of its members practice white supremacist versions of odinism, asatrú and heathenism. No version of Paganism is inherently racist, but Operation Werewolfs attempts to co-opt paganism are not new, and white supremacists have a long history of practicing old Germanic religions, largely because they see them as part of a mythological “Aryan” past. As one could have guessed, Operation Werewolf also has ties to the NSBM scene, which explains Laskeys involvement. Over social media Laskey has promoted the group numerous times, and has taken photos of himself wearing one of Operation Werewolf’s T-shirts.
Due to his habit of stabbing people, Laskeys incarnation of American Front did not last long. In January of 2019 he was arrested again for stabbing a fellow member of American front in Eugene, and as a result picked up felony assault charges. He was convicted and spent the next year in prison, before ultimately being released in 2020.
After his release he left Creswell and quietly moved to Gilchrist. Due to his restrictions on associating with the white nationalist movement, Laskey began to dabble in Satanic heavy metal, setting up his new production company Cuthean productions. His newest restrictions did not stop him from overtly associating with NSBM bands, and his instagram posts have contained a bizarre and unsettling mix of Neo-Nazi and Native American imagery. One album cover he was selling contained an eagle carrying a norse kolovrat (a symbol commonly appropriated by Neo-Nazis) superimposed over the colors of the Mexican flag.
Laskey’s move to Gilchrist may have also been motivated by his current girlfriend, who is also into satanic heavy metal and appears to believe that she has telepathic powers (we still can’t quite figure it out). In any event, Laskeys presence in the Bend area has drawn the ire of local antifascist researchers and journalists due to his past history and his current ties to NSBM
MurderFest 2023
As mentioned previously, in early January 2023 Laskey announced “Murderfest 2023” and the metal show has since been promoted by various production companies. Due to Laskey’s recent run ins with law enforcement the fate of the metal show is currently up in the air. What we find particularly interesting is that not all of the bands slated to play at the event were explicitly national socialist. Several bands including Kvlt of Odium, whose lead guitarist is part Native American, pulled out of the event after catching on to the shows Nazi undertones. For the purposes of this article we will only be listing the nsbm bands that were invited to attend murderfest, as the music production company Black Metal Knights Productions (which was run by the lead singer of Swatvout, one of the bands slated to perform at Murderfest) disavowed the event and convinced many of the non-NSBM bands to pull out at the last moment. We would also note that Laskey claimed that the proceeds from the metal show would be used to “fight pedophilia” even though it is unclear exactly how this would be achieved.
Murderfest 2023 flyer
Murderfest 2023 NSBM Bands
Wehrkraft is an NSBM band based out of the Sacramento area that has been active for the past 4 years. Originally named Eisenstürm (German for iron storm) , the band emphasizes satanism, national socialism, paganism, and nature in its music. The lead singer is named Terrence Hubbard, who has used a number of aliases in past albums and performances, including goatchrist, owlblood, graf azagthorgh, ulfethnar kriegsmesser, and goatchrist desolator. His facebook profile is littered with Nazi imagery, including pictures of him wearing a heavy metal jacket with confederate flag and Nazi themed patches.
Some of his artwork also features the Sonnenrad or black sun, a symbol that is explicitly tied to Neo-Nazi occultism, and was co opted after its discovery on the floor of a room in Welwsberg castle in Germany, which for a short time served as the headquarters for Heinrich Himmler’s SS.
One picture also features Hubbard wearing a necklace with a pentagram associated with a Satanic cult called the Order of the 9 Angels. We understand that Satanism and black metal go hand in hand much like mathematics and physics, but the Order of the Nine Angles differs from regular satanism because its ideology is explicitly accelerationist and Neo-Nazi. The cult was originally founded in Britain in the 80’s but fell into obscurity up until recently. Members of the group have been accused of engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice, child rape/ sexual abuse, and animal mutilation. The group has also been tied to terrorist activity, including a bizarre incident where a US paratrooper who had been radicalized by the group planned an ambush on his own unit to take their weapons and equipment. The group is ideologically similar and even has ties to accelerationist Neo nazi groups like The Base and Atomwaffen Division, as it claims that modern democratic society is irredeemable and seeks to bring about its collapse by committing acts of terrorism and in its own words “living a sinister lifestyle.” The Order of the Nine angles philosophy also centers around the idea that the third reich was the peak of human civilization, and that eventually the white race will have to repopulate the earth and spread out among the galaxy. The cult also venerates Islamic fundamentalist figures like Osama bin Laden, and members have expressed an interest in emulating groups like ISIS.
Hubbard currently lives in citrus heights, california.
If you have any more info on him please email us.
Altrite is a Mexican catholic national socialist metal band based out of Southern California. Despite the fact that christian heavy metal is an oxymoron, the groups participation is particularly bizarre given that there are bands with names like “christ desecration” playing in the same concert. On its twitter page the band has promoted nsbm, and advertised songs it recorded like “long live the patriarchy.” The band also puts out tweets with the antisemitic triple parentheses that is commonly seen in far right internet subcultures.
The band itself is led by Mason Anthony Sepeda, who is the lead singer and typically uses the stage name ”el maestro mason“ or ”sangre sepeda“ on social media. He is friends with Terrence Hubbard and numerous other individuals associated with the NSBM scene on Facebook. A precursory glance at his social media reveals that his involvement with NSBM is relatively recent, and before immersing himself in black metal Mason was a fan of WWE wrestling. Sepeda currently lives in Santa Ana, California.
Mason Anthony Sepeda
Mason expressing his love for NSBM
Putrid invökation
Putrid Invökation is another heavy metal band based out of Sacramento California. Terrence Hubbard is one of the lead singers, alongside Trevor Snell who uses the stage name ”Grave Sodomizer.” The band emphasizes war, death, necrophilia, necromancy and anti-religion in its music . While none of these themes are inherently Neo Nazi or white supremacist, given Trevor Snells casual use of the n word on social media and Terrance Hubbards role as the lead singer we can only conclude that the band is at least sympathetic with Nazism. Out of genuine curiosity we listened to their music so you don’t have to and we can safely say they make your average amateur college dorm band look revolutionary.
Trevor Snell using the n-word
trevor snell
Imperivm stands out on this list because they are the only band slated to play at murderfest that is not based out of California. The band originated in Idaho and their music embraces national socialism, paganism, antisemitism, and white nationalism. their logo also features a swastika and a wolfsangel, an ancient germanic pagan symbol that resembles a wolf trap. The wolfsangel was appropriated by the Nazis and used in the logos of several SS battalions during WW2.
imperivm logo
The lead singer uses the allias thorn noose. If you have any information on his identity please email us
killing Machine Motorcycle Cult
Killing Machine Motorcycle cult is an obscure Neo Nazi biker gang that has ties to Laskey. Despite having no internet presence the group is supposedly doing security for the event. More info will be coming soon 😉
Before we go on we would stress that the aforementioned bands are not representative of heavy metal music, and like many subcultures it has been coopted by Neo Nazis to suit their own needs. Heavy metal and punk music tends to be anti authoritarian and anti-religious in nature, and genres like NSBM make up a tiny insignificant fraction of heavy metal music that is produced. That being said, NSBM should be opposed whenever and wherever it appears because it opens the door to radicalization and attracting young white men into the white power scene, which may have been one of the goals behind coopting it.
We would also point out that due to his violent and sociopathic personality, Laskey poses a huge threat to the community. He is a threat to women, he is a threat to minorities/marginalized groups, and he is even a threat to people who are supposedly sympathetic to his ideology. His long history of commiting hate crimes and his ongoing affiliation with the white power scene suggests that he is not deterred from commiting more racially motivated acts of violence, and may attempt to do so again in the future. If he is seen in public, we would highly recommend avoiding interaction at all costs.
While the fate of Laskeys metal show is currently in the balance as he is still facing federal charges, he may also attempt to host similar events in the future which may attract more unsavory figures. If other regular non-NSBM heavy metal bands are involved it is important to attempt to reach out to them and warn them about Laskey and the people he attracts.
If you have any info on the location of the event please email us at
credit for some of the pics in this article goes to Eugene Antifa, Pacific Northwest Antifascist Workers Collective, and Rose City Antifa