Hayden Hockersmith: Patriot Front Member in Orem Utah

As mentioned in many of our previous articles, Patriot Front is a white supremacist and Neo-fascist group that split off of the ardently Neo-Nazi group Vanguard America. The split came after a member of Vanguard America drove his car through a crowd of counter protestors at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Virginia, killing one and wounding dozens of others. Vangaurd America also participated in the rally alongside groups like the American National Socialist Movement and the Traditionalist Workers Party.

Members of Vanguard America at the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia








Patriot Front uses American Nationalist aesthetics to appeal to a mainstream audience, but despite their attempts to wrap themselves in an American flag and call themselves “patriots” their ideology is very explicitly fascist. Their logo consists of a Fasces with thirteen stars around it, and the groups online manifesto calls for an end to American Democracy and the creation of an all white ethnostate with a fascist government. The manifesto defines an American as someone who is “of the founding stock of our people” and later goes on to exclude people of color from this definition.

Patriot Front logo





Lapel badge of the Italian Fascist Party worn by members during the 1920’s and 30’s









The group largely draws attention to itself and intimidates minority communities through acts like putting up flyers promoting thinly veiled white nationalism, putting up banners in public places and doing flash marches through major cities.    After the 2020 unrest over police brutality and injustice the group escalated its tactics, and they have since started vandalizing murals and statues dedicated to social justice causes. These have included the pro-lgbtq+ “love and respect” mural in Olympia Washington, a mural dedicated to African American tennis Star Arthur Ashe in Richmond Virginia, and a mural depicting numerous famous African American figures on the Washington college campus in St Louis, to include Robert L Williams, the Washington college professor who coined the term “Ebonics” and George Poage, the first African American to win an Olympic gold metal. 

  Sometimes Patriot Fronts actions and escalation of tactics have led to arrests and legal trouble.  In 2022, 31 Patriot Front members, including the groups leader Thomas Rousseau, were arrested for attempting to start a riot at a pride event. The group was armed with smoke bombs and riot shields, and apparently had a detailed written plan to “be confrontational.” Most of the men involved were found guilty, although the charges against Rousseau were later dropped due to lack of evidence 

  We know many of the aforementioned events were heavily pre planned due to the unprecedented leak of Patriot Fronts chats by the independent media outlet Unicorn Riot, where many participants in the chat either explicitly planned to commit acts of property destruction or expressed a desire to do so. 

  While many members of Patriot front have been identified, we have another name to add to that list: Haeden Hockersmith 


Haeden Hockersmith





Haeden is a Utah based member of Patriot Front who uses the alias “Max UT” in the leaked rocket chats. According to online sources, Hockersmith attended Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah, where he was listed as a member of the schools track and field team during the 2019-2020 season.


Haeden Hockersmiths Utah Valley University Track and field profile


Photo of “Max Ut”








Digging deeper into Hockersmiths background we found his LinkedIn page where he claims he’s currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah. Voter Records list his mailing address as  his parents residence in Orem,Utah, and show that he is/was affiliated with the Republican Party. 

   Hockersmiths father currently works as a chiropractor in Orem, and a deeper search revealed that his wife has a Facebook page where she posts ardently pro-trump and anti-LGBTQ+ content.

Haedens mom sharing pro trump content





Haedens mom sharing anti-lgbtq+ content decrying the supreme courts decision on gay marriage









Even a precursory glance at Haedens mothers Facebook page reveals that the entire family is deeply involved with the Church of Latter Day Saints. This is particularly ironic given that numerous LDS churches have released statements condemning the white supremacists that marched at the 2017 Unite the Right Rally and the actions of James Alex Fields, the Vangaurd America member responsible for the car ramming attack that killed a counterprotestor.

    We would also note that Christianity, regardless of the denomination,  has long been used to justify white supremacy and racial hierarchies throughout American history, and many aspects of Christian theology have been co-opted or bastardized by white supremacists to justify their own ideology. The Church of LDS is no exception, as for over a century the church banned African Americans from obtaining priesthood due to the belief that black skin was a curse. More recently a faction of Mormons started using a hashtag called “deznat” on twitter. This twitter based movement quickly aligned itself with the alt right and openly promoted white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia and other types of bigotry towards marginalized groups using twisted interpretations of Mormonism as a justification. We believe it is highly likely that Haeden may have been affiliated with this movement in some way, as the movement  intersected with other sectors of the alt right. We would also note that Haeden isn’t the first Mormon Patriot Front member we have helped to identify. Tyler Russell Arbuckle aka “Anthony UT” was also involved with the Church of LDS, and both Arbuckle and Hockersmith exchange messages in the leaked chats. Haedens participation in a white supremacist group should concern members of the church of LDS who actively try to make the church more inclusive to marginalized groups, as his beliefs not only foster a toxic environment for congregates but also opens the door for further radicalization of other LDS members which could create fissures within the church

 Activities in Patriot Front

From the leaked chats it is evident that while hockersmith participated in many of the groups events he did not post much in the rocketchat server. From the few messages he did post he openly discussed stealing pride flags, which could be construed as planning criminal activity. While it is unclear if he ever followed through with these plans, it shows that he has a willingness to commit physical acts motivated by a hatred of marginalized groups

Hockersmith expressing a desire to steal pride flags










Hockersmith also discussed a desire to participate in “activism” with other members of the chat. As mentioned previously, Patriot Fronts activism largely consists of flyering/banner drops and stenciling that both promote the group and use thinly veiled white supremacist slogans and messaging to appeal to a mainstream, albeit racially biased audience.   The purpose of these actions are two fold; they grow the groups numbers by appealing to young, angry, racist, upper middle class white men and intimidate minority communities who the flyers/banners directly target or reference. It is why the group often performs “activism” in areas that are likely to contain both populations, like college campuses or large cities with diverse populations. 



Hockersmith also attended the December 4,2021 flash mob in Washington DC. Patriot Fronts flash marches are short lived, heavily choreographed events that often take place in the dead of night to avoid confrontations with bystanders. Sometimes these flash marches have spiraled into violence, and there have been examples of Patriot front members committing unprovoked  physical assaults against community members, as was the case with a well known BIPOC artist when members of Patriot Front surrounded and punched them numerous times during a flash march in Boston. During the flash march that occurred in December 2021 about 200 Patriot front members dressed in tan kakis, blue overcoats and white gaiters marched across the capitol mall carrying flags bearing Patriot Fronts explicitly fascist logo. Some members of the group carried metal shields and wore shinguards in an attempt to intimidate bystanders. Due to  antifascist infiltration of the group and sudden problems that arose involving transportation the group of assorted fascists waited hours in the cold December weather only to have a single Uhaul pick them up.

 It is likely that Hockersmith was carrying a shield during the event, as he discusses drilling with the shield team in the leaked chats. According to leaked videos of Patriot Fronts training events, Haeden participated in a training/drilling event that took place in Grand Junction, Colorado.




In the videos Haeden can be seen practicing synchronized marching techniques and doing pushups with the worst form we have ever seen

Haeden also participated in the infamous Patriot Front Push up circle







Important Notes:

We would like to mention that any religion or belief system can be twisted to justify bigotry, and Christianity is certainly not the only religious faith that has been used to achieve this goal. More recently Neo-Nazis/white supremacist groups have espoused Norse/Germanic paganism, and even satanism to justify and spread white supremacist ideology. It is important to remember that no version of Christianity or Paganism is inherently bigoted, and bigoted versions of these religions are perversions of their original teachings.

We currently do not have any info on Hockersmiths employment. If you have any information please reach out to us at centraloregonantifascist@protonmail.com


Joshua Plotner: Idaho Based Patriot Front Member and Neo Nazi

As discussed in many previous articles, Patriot Front is a neo-fascist, white supremacist organization that split off of the ardently Neo-Nazi group Vanguard America after the deadly 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The split came after one of Vanguard America’s members drove their car through a crowd of counter protestors at UTR, and in an attempt to avoid the ensuing fallout the group took on an entirely different name and aesthetic. While their ideology is still the same as the former Vanguard America, they have rebranded themselves as American Patriots in an attempt to appeal to a more mainstream audience. The groups propaganda often features flashy American patriotic/nationalist imagery that can be easily reproduced and distributed to its numerous chapters and members across the country. Despite their attempts to appeal to a more mainstream,  albeit racially biased audience,  the group has no qualms about calling themselves fascists. Their online manifesto explicitly calls for an end to American democracy and the forcible removal of nonwhite people from the United States. It claims the group intends to revive a supposedly authentic American identity that is derived from European colonialism and the idea that non-whites aren’t truly Americans. 

Patriot Front logo






Patriot Fronts activism typically consists of flyering, banner drops, and the occasional public appearance or flash march. These actions serve the dual purposes of attempting to recruit new members  and intimidate minority communities. Due to Patriot Fronts target audience being entirely made up of young, disaffected, racist, middle class white men, their propaganda efforts focus on locations where there are both minority populations and a pool of potential recruits. It is for this reason that college campuses and large multicultural cities are frequent targets of Patriot Fronts “activism.” It is worth noting that their propaganda had appeared in minority communities after events like racially motivated mass shootings, including the deadly shooting that took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Philadelphia. 

    Despite their attempts to portray themselves as a peaceful organization, their actions have become increasingly erratic over time. After the 2020 police brutality protests the group attempted to market itself by vandalizing public artwork dedicated to social justice causes, including the destruction of The Bust of York on Mt Tabor in Portland and the defacement of the Love and Respect mural in Olympia, Washington. They have also participated in gang assaults on bystanders during their short lived “flash marches.” One such incident occurred when members of the group surrounded and assaulted a well known African American artist in Boston, Massachusetts. 

 Sometimes these actions have not been without  consequence for the group. In June 2022, 31 members of Patriot Front were mass arrested after it appeared they had been planning to start a riot at a pride parade in Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho. This is where we were able to identify the subject of this article, Joshua Plotner. It appeared that Plotner was responsible for bailing out the 31 Patriot Front members a day after the arrests took place. A further dive into Plotners background reveals that he uses the pseudonym “Walter ID” within the organization. For a short time before moving to Idaho , Plotner also used the alias “Walter OR” due to his original residence being Portland, OR. It appears that Plotner was one of 5 Patriot Front members active in Oregon, those being ex-Proud Boy Casey James Knutson,  Central Point based Neo Nazi Richard James Flannery, Prospect based member Lawrence Alexander Norman, and a Corvallis based Proud Boy who used the name Ben Bak…we’re sorry James OR (we’re sure his dox is floating around somewhere. Hate when autocorrect does that).

 From what we can glean, Walter ID currently lives in Craigmont, Idaho with his wife Katherine Plotner on a property bought by Joshua’s mother in law (we know this because several sites have list Katherine and Josh as living at the same address in Portland and Idaho). This bit of information is particularly interesting because Craigmont is technically on Nez Perce reservation land, and the property itself is an old church building. The original seller of the property was Baptist Foundation Northwest based out of Vancouver, Washington. 

While it is unclear if either Josh or Katherine have ties to the Nez Perce reservation, we can say with certainty that this information is extremely concerning because not only is it unclear why the couple decided to move to an abandoned, dilapidated church, but Craigmont Idaho is an extremely small town in the middle of rural Idaho. White supremacists have long had a proclivity for buying up rural land for nefarious and illicit purposes, going back to groups like the National Alliance and the White Patriots party founded by Klansmen Frazier Glenn Miller. The fact that white supremacists may be operating off of Native land in an unknown capacity and likely without the knowledge of the tribal government is something that should draw attention. 

 What we can say for sure is that the couples move to Craigmont is a relatively new development. It is likely they had previously resided in the Montavilla neighborhood near Mt Tabor in Portland. Before moving in with his girlfriend we have confirmed that he lived at his fathers house on 80th street near the Portland airport. We think it is incredibly likely that Joshua became estranged from his father in part due to his massive violent criminal record (His father, Thomas Augusta Plottner, is a registered sex offender who has been charged with rape 1 and sodomy)

Thomas Plotner court records










    Before joining Patriot Front, there is evidence to suggest Josh’s radicalization into white supremacy started with the misogynistic mens rights movement (not to be confused with the mens liberation movement, which was a pro feminist movement in the 1970’s that revolved around the idea that the concept of traditional patriarchal male gender roles were harmful to men and seeked to free them from the constraints of traditional notions of masculinity). Often referred to as the “manosphere,” the Mens Rights subculture largely revolves around a backlash to womens rights/feminism and the promotion of traditional hierarchical gender roles. Online forums that are considered to be part of the manosphere often promote violence against women, claim that they are biologically inferior and seek to reduce them solely  to their reproductive functions. They also promote the idea that women inherently “owe” men sex and for this reason some corners of the movement have even called for the legalization of rape. Since its growth during the early part of the last decade,  parts of the movement have split off to form their own niches , including the Incel and MGTOW subcultures that emphasize self hatred and the idea that sexually frustrated men should blame women for their inability to find a sexual relationship. Given the inherently violent implications of mens rights/incel ideology it should be no surprise that the movement is a literal birthing ground for mass shooters. In 2022 alone there were two mass shootings linked to incel ideology, and in the years prior incels and mens rights adherents carried out an enormous chunk of the mass shooting incidents that occured in the US and around the world. 


     It is also noteworthy that there is a large amount of overlap between the alt right and the manosphere. Many prominent figures in the Manosphere are also well known for being alt right celebrities, Mike Cernovich being a perfect example. One also does not have to look very hard on incel and mens rights forums to find links to sites like the Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff. 

  Going back to Plotners journey into Alt Right politics,  it is unclear how he found the Mens Rights Movement, but based off of his past twitter accounts and usernames it appears he was likely into anime and the My Little Pony fandom. For example, Plotner used  the Twitter name bash-the-fash (@FascTheStampede), which he talks about in the leaked chats. Vash the Stampede is the protagonist of Trigun, an anime/manga series created by Yasuhiro Nightow in 1995. While neither of these fandoms are inherently tied to misogynistic or fascist belief systems, anime forums are typically favorite targets of the alt right because they often contain large populations of white male gamers. It is also important to note that Joshua appears to have spent a lot of time on the internet messaging board 4chan, which despite being well known for its message boards about anime and fandoms, also has a long history of being a cesspool for alt right/misogynistic content. One way we know Plotner was on 4chan is that he was looking for gay hookups in Portland using his real name and birthdate(we are not making this up) alongside other pornographic images. 



From 2016-2018 Plotner ran several anti-feminist tumblr blogs which he name dontneedfeminism and dontneedfeminism2. We know he was the owner of the 2 blogs because his wife(who we will discuss later) frequently reposted about them on her tumblr account and implied she was living with the owner. While it appears he had not been fully radicalized around the time these blogs came online,  his posts indicate he may have been consuming anti-SJW content which was rampant on platforms like Youtube, Reddit, and tumblr in the mid to late 2010’s. 

On his now archived blog posts he went on antifeminist screeds comparing feminism to nazism, claiming that patriarchy doesnt exist in the United States, that women are likely to make false rape allegations, and so on. At some point between 2016-2018 Joshua started a third tumblr blog called needs-more-maga. The blog was archived once before it was banned due to hate speech, and there are links in the bio to both of Plotners dontneedfeminism blogs. Josh’s transformation from anti-sjw/anti-feminist anime fan to full blown MAGA trump supporter is not at all surprising, as many young men who became involved with racist groups during Trumps presidency started off by listening to anti-SJW social media influencers, many of whom had ties to more radical fringe figures on the far-right. 

By 2018 it appears that Joshua had gone full fash, as he started a twitter account called cant-bash-the-fash (@FasctheStampede), where he openly calls himself a fascist and frequently reposts Patriot Front related content. 

Joshua Plotners Bio on his Cantbashthefash Twitter account







Joshua posting PF content









Activities in Patriot Front

 From what we can gleam, Joshua has been a member of Patriot Front since 2020. We know this because in October 2020, Joshua’s wife posted a GoFundMe link on her facebook along with the message “Josh asked me to pass this around as much as I could, it’s from one of the guys in his friend circle. Anything helps!” Upon further examination of the link the fundraiser appears to have been started by Zach Stern (aka Ryan PA in the leaked Patriot Front chats) and his wife. 

Fundraiser posted on Kats facebook for Zack Stern and his wife



Since Plotner joined PF in 2020 he has been an extremely active. His longstanding membership in Patriot Front is notable because membership in the organization is often short lived due to their poor opsec, incompetent leadership, and mundane activities that are only performed so they can be used in propaganda.  Many members are also kicked out because they either do not put up enough promotional materials or they are deemed overweight/not physically fit. It is highly notable that he was responsible for the stenciling of the Bust of York on Mt Tabor in Portland in July of 2021, which he later bragged about in the Patriot Front leaked chats.










The Bust of York mysteriously appeared on Mt Tabor where a statue of Harvey Scott once stood in February 2021. Scott was a reactionary figure who opposed the women’s rights movement and his statue was toppled in October 2020 amid the protests over Racial Injustice. The Bust of York was targeted by Plotner because York was the black slave who attended Lewis and Clark’s expedition across the Pacific Northwest. We would note that this vandalism could be construed as a hate crime under federal law.

  That same July, Joshua also participated in the defacement of the pro-BLM We Stand With You Mural in Northeast Portland. The Portland Police Bureau later put out a statement asking for info about possible suspects.



Mural defaced by Plotner and other PNW based PF members







In November 2021 Plotner and other WA/ID based members of patriot Front put up stickers in the Idaho towns of Moscow and Lewiston. They also fliered the University of Idaho and put up a banner near Coeur d’Alene. At this point Plotner was likely no longer living in Portland and had already made his move to Craigmont. In the leaked rocket chats Joshua aka Walter ID claimed that he put up Patriot Front promat in the aforementioned locations alongside promat for the antisemitic, white nationalist organization known as the National Justice Party.










That same month Joshua could be seen posing alongside other PNW based members next to 26 stolen pro-diversity yard signs that had been painted over with Patriot Front regalia.











same shoes and glasses








In December  of 2021, Plotner and another Patriot Front member were arrested for vandalism and graffiti  at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. From Spokane court records it appears the case is still open

Joshua Plotner arrest record from Spokane

Later that month Joshua and PF members from around the country participated in a flash march around the National Mall in Washington DC. Like all of their activities, flash marches are heavily choreographed events that are performed solely for propaganda value. These marches typically take place in the dead of night or in the very early morning hours to avoid scrutiny by bystanders and typically do not last long. However, after their short march around the National Mall the group of assorted racists carrying flags with Patriot fronts logo juxtaposed over the colors of the American flag quickly found their transportation was nowhere in sight due to infiltration and logistical problems caused by antifascists. For several hours the column of Patriot Front members who had tried oh-so-hard to look militant and intimidating now shivered in the December weather looking like total dweebs. 

Patriot Front wondering where their Uhauls went







It is also highly likely that Plotner attended the group drilling/sparring session that took place the previous day, where members practiced marching and shield formations (which they often do wrong)

  It is probable that Plotner also participated in other PF related activities in Idaho, including a stickering that took place on 5th street in Coeur d’Alene and another stickering at North Idaho college. From the leaked chats it is also apparent Walter ID may have been responsible for helping to vet new prospective members. Due to the leaderships paranoia regarding potential infiltrators, Patriot Front has an extremely strenuous vetting process where would-be members must fill out an online form then attend an online and in person interview, all of which is recorded or written down. In order to be accepted into the groups applicants must be white non-Jewish cis-het males between the ages of 18-35 (although they have tried to target teens younger than 18, particularly on online gaming forums). Applicants who are deemed as overweight, ugly,  or physically disabled are often turned down. They have also denied applications because the applicant was not ”racially aware“ enough for their tastes (most applicants that are accepted overtly identify themselves as national socialists or white nationalists when asked about ideology, and claim to have ties to other overtly nazi groups). According to the chats Walter attended several in person interviews alongside other members of the group, and may have been responsible for deciding whether prospective members fit Patriot Fronts standards. 




Walter ID claiming he has interviewed prospective members before










While we  do not know if Plotner is currently employed, we do know that he is licensed to work as an unarmed security guard in the state of Oregon, and up until recently was working for Securitas USA in Vancouver, a company with a long history of hiring Nazis. Plotners  involvement with Securitas makes us wonder if he has any ties to the PDX Stormers, as the ringleaders of the PDX Stormer Bookclub, Bogdan Gerasimyuk  and Matthew Blais were also employed with Securitas. We currently cannot find any photos of Plotner attending any of Joey Gibsons rallies, but we will keep our eyes peeled!





Katherine Plotner: Former Furry and Deviant Art fangirl turned Nazi

Now for a word about Joshua’s wife, Katherine plotner (neé Katherine Califf). Much like Josh, Katherine became estranged from her father who may have been abusive, as he was arrested for assault and ordered to stay away from her mother and brother. Before she met Josh it appears she openly identified as bisexual and advocated for trans rights on facebook. She was a huge fan of anime and deviant art, with her social media being filled with G’raha Tia fan art (a character from Final Fantasy 4) and Pokemon anthro. Her social media also indicates that she was a member of numerous furry communities, including being a frequent poster on furaffinity.net. 

Katherine Plotner








My Little Pony fan art on Katherines Twitter account





Examining her social media before and after she met Josh it is apparent that he played a huge role in radicalizing her into Alt-right politics. We also think it is likely that she was heavily influenced by the Gamergate harassment campaign that took place between 2014 and 2015. Gamergate was a decentralized misogynistic online movement that served as a far right backlash against feminism, women’s rights, diversity and progressivism. 

The movement started out by targeting numerous prominent female figures in the video game industry, most notably video game critic Anita Sarkeesian. The harassment campaign involved doxing, threats of rape and death threats. 

katherine plotner aka Abbie Goth claiming that Anita Sarkeesian was lying about getting rape threats






While it is unclear if she met Josh before Gamergate or if she was influenced by Gamergate and found Josh afterword, it is clear that by the time the two were together Katherine frequently posted links to Josh’s misogynistic blogs on her Tumblr page

Katherine tagging Joshua Plotners misogynist blogs on her tumblr




Sometimes her posts veered into explicit racism, including a post captioned “Why isn’t there a white/straight/male rights movement?” with a picture of the KKK in the background





She also posted A LOT of antifeminist/anti-SJW content, possibly taking after her soon to be husband.







At times it appears Katherine embraces the “Trad Wife aesthetic,” an antifeminist subculture that embraces “Traditional Gender roles” for women (i.e leaving careers to raise families, having the family center around the husband, etc).

Katherine embracing the furry trad-wife lifestyle





Despite her very confused identity of  being a furry, trad-wife, bi anti-feminist, anti-SJW, Pro gay rights anime/deviant art fangirl it is likely she has fully embraced Alt Right politics. We find it extremely unlikely that she does not know about her husbands  membership in Patriot Front, and the fact that she reposted his twitter account numerous times tells us she is aware of his explicitly fascist ideology. We also believe she is currently living on the same property as Josh in Craigmont

Abby_goth aka katherine plotter reposting content from Josh’s twitter











Joshua Plotner

Address: 207 Boulevard ave, Craigmont, Idaho 83523

Full Name: Joshua Ryan Plotner

DOB:  10/06/1994 (current age 29)

Highschool: graduated from Madison High School


Social media Accounts:

email: dontneedfeminism@hotmail.com, jrp1006@gmail.com, jrp1006@comcast.com

Telegram: Imperator1776

twitch: Lordofdiabetus

Skype: dontneedfeminism

TikTok: @marsfreight

Reddit: u/cantbashthefash,u/dontneedfeminism

Tumblr: listed in article


looks like someone didn’t follow dear learder‘s… im sorry Rousseau’s order when he mentioned that members should delete social media 

Katherine Plottner:

Address: presumably the same as Josh‘s

Full Name: Katherine Denise Plotner (formerly Katherine Denise Califf)


social media:

Twitter: @Abby_Goth

Reddit: u/AbbyGoth

ArtStation: Katherine Plotner

Furvilla: https://www.furvilla.com/profile/8709

toyhou.se: https://toyhou.se/AbbieGoth

Flight Rising: https://toyhou.se/AbbieGoth

Tumblr: Cats n’ Dragons (username: abbiegoth) Ask the Luxtaria (username: asktheluxtaria) Kit Kat’s Scribbles (username: the-art-kat)

Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/abbiegoth

FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/abbiegoth/

Clear Photos:

Thomas Gilmer: Former University of Arizona Student and Member of Patriot Front

Thomas S Gilmer: Former University of Arizona Computer Science Major and Patriot Front member

 Patriot Front is a neo-fascist, white supremacist group that is widely known for using flashy aesthetics and propaganda. Since its inception,  It has been labeled as a hate group by the SPLC and Anti-Defamation League, which both have a long history of tracking white supremacist groups. As discussed in previous articles, Patriot front initially splintered off of the Neo-Nazi organization Vanguard America after one of their members rammed his car into a crowd and killed a counterprotestor at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Virginia. The ensuing PR disaster caused the ousting of the groups leader by Texas based Neo-Nazi Thomas Rousseau and the top down rebranding of the group as an American nationalist organization. While the group utilizes American nationalist imagery in its propaganda, its ideology is still explicitly fascist, and its logo includes a fasces, which was the symbol of the original Italian fascist party in the 1920’s. The groups online manifesto calls for the institution of a fascist government in America and references the great replacement theory (The idea that white people are being outbred and replaced by people of color, and that Jews are secretly orchestrating this supposed genocide). The manifesto defines an American Patriot as someone who is “of the founding stock of our people” and goes on to claim that America was founded as a whites only nation. 

Patriot Front members harassing attendees of a a drag show in Ohio



Patriot Front Logo which includes a fasces in a circle with thirteen stars around it











In the past, Patriot Front’s activism has largely consisted of engaging in mundane activities like flash marches and banner drops which served the dual purposes of recruiting new members who were sympathetic to the groups ideology and terrorizing minority communities. For example, after the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh based Tree of Life synagogue the city experienced a spree of Patriot Front flyerings and banner drops. Members of the organization have also made a habit of targeting college campuses with propaganda because of their diverse populations and perceived liberal culture. Their most recent activities have revealed an escalation of tactics, as members have taken it upon themselves to deface murals dedicated to social justice causes.

  That being said, the organization’s attempts to intimidate and terrorize minority communities have not been without consequence. In June 2022, 31 members of Patriot front, including Rousseau, were arrested after they allegedly planned to start a riot at a pride event in coeur d‘Alene, Idaho. The organization has also been sued for their attempts at vandalism, including the defacement of an LGBTQ+ pride mural in Olympia, Washington. 

  Other than the pride events and murals they have targeted, Patriot Front has continued the larger national trend of harassing drag show participants. During a drag show in Columbus Ohio a large number of patriot front members carrying round shields and wearing matching blue uniforms and tan khakis joined the local proud boys chapter and half a dozen armed militia in harrassing passersby and intimidating anyone who they thought were drag show attendees. Patriot Front has also been a common site at drag events in Texas, oftentimes protesting alongside self proclaimed christian fascist kelly Neidert and numerous other Neo-Nazi groups like the Aryan Freedom network and White Lives matter. 

  Also notable is the demographic makeup of Patriot Fronts membership. Unlike many other white supremacist groups,  Patriot Fronts membership skews young, and possibly due to their obsession with flyering universities and specifically targeting young white men with their propaganda some of their members are college students or have attended college in the past. Although the group is obsessed with catering to a racist younger exclusively white male audience and increasing its membership, Patriot Front has an extremely high turnover rate, as many members leave the group after a short time due to its boring attempts at “activism”, poor opsec practices, the general incompetence of Rousseau and the groups leaders, and Rousseau’s paranoid and authoritarian style of leadership. It is obvious from even a precursory glance at the chat logs that the organizations hierarchical leadership structure attempts to control every aspect of its members lives, including their dating life, weight, and online presence. 

   With all of this in mind, we have recently identified Thomas S Gilmer as “Jack AZ”, a member of Patriot Front based out of Tucson, Arizona. From what we can gleam Gilmer majored in Computer Science at the University of Arizona. According to the group chats leaked by Unicorn Riot, Thomas is a particularly active member of the group, having attended many of the group’s hikes and choreographed events. He has also frequently put up promotional materials in the group alongside other Arizona based members.


Utah Hike (nov 19-21 2021)

In November of 2021 Gilmer alongside other Arizona based members of Patriot front attended a hike in Zion National Park and practiced sparring and drills for the then upcoming Patriot Front march in Washington DC that took place in December 2021 . Like the rest of their activities, hikes and sparring activities are heavily choreographed events that are done solely for the purpose of generating propaganda. Members often take pictures of themselves hiking, sparring ( We use this term loosely here, as their sparring is just for promotional purposes, and is almost never done correctly) and reading the groups manifesto. The pictures/videos are then uploaded to Patriot Fronts telegram channel so they can be easily distributed. During the hike into Zion members practiced shield formations and drills (which again they do completely wrong). Thomas aka “Jack AZ” can be seen with a cap with an Arizona state flag patch
















comparison of Thomas Gilmore’s Linkedin account and his sparring pics at Zion. He is wearing the same hat in all three picture







Washington DC March

On December 5th 2021 Patriot Front members from across the country participated in a flash march on the National Mall in Washington DC. The groups flash marches are often extremely performative, short lived, and take place in the dead of night when there are less likely to be bystanders watching. While Patriot Front marched across the National Mall uninterrupted, at the end they realized their uhauls had not arrived due to logistical problems caused by anti fascist infiltration.  For several hours the group of assorted racists stood out in the cold December weather looking like total dorks. The day before the march members of Patriot Front practiced formations and shield drills. It wasn’t hard to spot Gilmer due to his distinctive patches and neck gaiter. He first appears in photos when the group practiced shield formations the night before the event was to take place, and then the next day he can be seen loading into the groups Uhaul.











Thomas Gilmore wearing the same Arizona flag neck gaiter in all 3 pics











Thomas wearing an Arizona flag patch and the same hat he wore at Zion.









Patriot Front Vetting Process

According to the leaked chats Gilmer has participated in vetting potential Patriot Front members. The organization has a strict and paranoid vetting process wherein members must first fill out an online application then complete an in person interview. We would note that many applicants have been turned down because they are not “racially aware” enough for the organization, and many applicants who are accepted list their political affiliation as National Socialist or white nationalist. In the groups leaked documents Rousseau specifically lays out the qualifications for admittance into Patriot Front, including that prospective members must be straight cis white males with little criminal history. Applicants are not allowed to be too overweight or have physical disabilities (in the document it said physical disabilities should be noted but applicants with minor physical disabilities have been denied) . All of the questions and answers during the interview are written down and kept as records. From his chats it appears Thomas may have interviewed multiple members and ultimately made a decision on their admittance.





Activism and stickering

By Jack AZ’s own admission in the chat he has put up patriot front stickers and propaganda on numerous occasions. In one message Jack AZ discusses flyering Flagstaff AZ and Reno NV before and after the hike/sparring event at Zion. 






Because the organization requires its members to record instances of activism and photograph any promat material that they put up, Gilmer posted records of his activity multiple times in the chat logs, and given the sheer number of stickers he claims to have put up it is reasonable to conclude that he is likely the most active Patriot Front member in Arizona




In the months before Patriot Fronts Rocket chat was leaked to the public, there had been numerous instances of banner drops and Patriot Front related vandalism in Tucson, including the defacement of community artwork on the sidewall of the taqueria de gallo restaurant in the southern part of the city. From examining Patriot Fronts propaganda that they posted on their telegram channel it is unclear if Gilmore was involved with stenciling over the artwork, but given that Gilmer lives in Tucson and does not appear to be a newer member of the organization, it is highly likely that he was involved. 


As mentioned previously Patriot Front is a vehemently fascist organization that has no qualms about intimidating minority communities, even if it is done under the guise of self-promotion. Due to his membership in Patriot Front, Gilmer poses a serious threat to the community. If you are a member of patriot front reading this article know that you will be eventually identified. Get out of the group before your life is ruined following Rousseau. He is incompetent and does not care about your wellbeing. Our email and DM’s are always open. If you want to come clean about your membership in the group we can talk. 

Clear Images


Jacob Laskey and Murderfest 2023: Nazi Bands Fuck Off

In light of recent events we have chosen to write a new exposé on Jacob Laskey, who has recently moved to Central Oregon to engage in Nazi organizing. Before we go on, we would like to mention that this article was created with help from the Central Oregon Peacekeepers and Eugene Antifa. In January 2023, we became aware of Laskey’s presence in the Bend area due to a flyer advertising a metal show called “Murderfest 2023” that would supposedly be taking place at the beginning of Summer at an undisclosed location near Bend, and would feature a number of well known NSBM bands based out of Southern California. According to the flyer the show was being hosted by Cuthean productions and Killer Vril Distro. When we looked at the instagram for the 2 production companies it became obvious that the account was being run by Laskey and his current girlfriend, who are both currently living in Gilchrist, a town near Bend. In this article we will reveal Laskey’s history of hate crimes and white power organizing, as well as the bands that Laskey invited to participate in his metal show and its current status. 

   As many know, Laskey is not a new addition to the Neo Nazi scene in the Pacific Northwest, as he has been exposed numerous times by various antifascist groups. His association with the white power movement seems to go back to the early 2000‘s, and since then he has been a member of a litany of white supremacist groups. While engaging in Neo Nazi organizing Laskey has demonstrated violent tendencies, having been in and out of prison numerous times in the past 2 decades. His first run in with the law stemmed from an incident in Jacksonville, Florida where Laskey participated in stabbing a black man after a Neo Nazi skinhead festival. Because he was not the main participant in the attack he was sentenced to probation. In 2002 Laskey and 4 other fellow white supremacists including his younger brother threw swastika etched stones through the windows of a local synagogue in Eugene. As a result he was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison. Part of this sentence was also due to a charge alleging that Laskey threatened to bomb the federal courthouse in Eugene, as well as murder a witness involved in the case. After serving 10 years Laskey was released in 2015, only to return after stabbing a fellow white supremacist. Laskey has also been arrested for meth use and assaulting his father. The latter caused his then spouse to file a restraining order because the fight was witnessed by his stepdaughter. Laskeys most recent run in with law enforcement stems from an incident at the beginning of January 2023 where Laskey is alleged to have assaulted his current partner in front of his stepchild (again) while pulled over on the side of a road. When confronted by bystanders he drove away at an extremely high speed. After being followed by the bystanders who had witnessed the assault Laskey recklessly weaved through stopped cars and went through the center median. He is currently in the Deschutes county jail awaiting trial for felony assault and reckless driving

Jacob Laskey








Laskey‘s mugshot after his 2011 arrest in Florida





Jacob Laskey‘s 2023 arrest in Bend








History of White Power organizing

As mentioned previously Laskey has a long history in the white supremacist movement, beginning with his involvement with Volksfront. Volksfront was a Pacific Northwest based Neo-Nazi skinhead gang that was active in the Oregon prison system. The group has committed numerous assaults against people of color, jews, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.  One prominent member, Kurtis Monschke, was also convicted for murdering a homeless man in Tacoma, Washington and received a sentence of life in prison without parole after being found guilty. Volksfront also has a long history of targeting synagogues. In 1994 a member of the group shot at a synagogue in Eugene. Oregon (The same one Laskey attacked). Several rounds broke the synagogue’s windows and damaged the interior. The perpetrator was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison on a litany of charges including first degree intimidation. Volksfront also played a huge role in the 90’s white power music scene, having been directly involved with the founding of several white power bands. The group has also held numerous Neo Nazi skinhead music festivals that brought together a conglomerate of Neo Nazi groups and skinhead gangs, including their annual event which was dubbed ”aryan fest.” All of this may explain Laskey‘s affinity for white power music and National Socialist Black Metal (nsbm) and his ties to various bands. It is also important to note that Volksfronts ideology largely resembles that of the Pacific Northwest territorial imperative founded by Richard Butler, which up until its demise sought to turn the Pacific Northwest into a whites only homeland. Laskey was deeply involved in the group in the early 2000‘s, and served as its representative at the Aryan nations world congress, an annual meeting in Idaho that was hosted by Richard Butlers group Aryan Nations which featured prominent white power groups around the country, including skinheads and klansmen. 



Jacob Laskey when he was still a member of Volksfront





In 2015, after his stint in federal prison and the dissolution of Volksfront, Laskey moved to Creswell, Oregon, where he worked in his family’s Nazi themed gun store called “Wolfclan Armory”. During his time working for his family’s business he sold anti-antifa merch using Wolfclan Armory’s Facebook page and ran a youtube channel where he went on long winded rants against ”antifa“ and claimed that the earth was flat and that the international space station is a government hoax. He also attempted to reincarnate the neo nazi skinhead group called American Front, a gang that was founded in California but had a national presence. During its tenure the group was accused of numerous murders, assaults, and bombings, some of which were targeted at synagogues. Laskey initially announced his revamp of American Front when he published a book laying out American Fronts new constitution called “The Grey Book.” In 2016 the group with Laskey at its forefront announced its official reformation. The new version of American Front was largely split into 3 organizations: Greystorm productions, American Patriot Brigade (APB) and American Front itself. Greystorm llc largely functioned as the public facing side of American Front, and was operated as a business on facebook that sold nazi themed merch in an attempt to raise money for the main AF organization. American Patriots brigade served as the vetting arm of the group, which included new members that AF was trying to onboard. APB did most of the recruiting for AF, and it was active in a variety of Neo-Nazi spaces in the Pacific Northwest. 


Laskey (third from left in the back row) with members of American Front
Laskey‘s ”Greybook“
American Front twitter account run by Jacob Laskey


The membership of the new and brief reincarnation of American front included a host of well known Neo Nazis, including Steve Shallenberger, Justin Marbury, matthew combs, and Bethany Sherman (aka the weed nazi). American Front also had ties to Eugene based Neo Nazi Jimmy Marr, who is well known for displaying large swastikas on his truck while driving down the I-5 corridor. Members of American Front participated in a holocaust denial rally outside of Marr’s house in Springfield, and had a presence in the Cascadian Coffee Company discord server that Marr and his associates were a part of.



members of the Cascadian Coffee company discord server discuss making an AF group chat. Blackhat16 is the alias used by Matthew Combs
Members of American Front, American Patriots Brigade and the Cascadian Coffee Company discord staging a holocaust denial rally outside of Jimmy Marr‘s house in Eugene, Oregon. Laskey is not present
















We also cannot overlook Laskeys ties to the paganistic Neo-Nazi group Operation Werewolf. The group, named after a failed nazi military operation in the last days before Germany’s surrender to the allies, largely serves as the recruiting arm of the Wolves of Vinland, another neo-völkish cult that has committed numerous acts of racially motivated property destruction and violence in the past. Operation Werewolf largely presents itself as a mens weight lifting club that promotes traditional male values (i.e toxic masculinity and anti-feminism) and sees itself as a way to prepare young men for the eventual decay of modern society (a common theme in fascist ideology is the idea that modern democratic society is impure or degenerate and bound to collapse). The group’s ideology is primitivist, advocating for deindustrialization and the abandonment of technological pursuits, and takes inspiration from famous primitivist figures like Tyler Durden and Ted Kazysinski. Operation Werewolf also advocates for a return to old germanic/norse paganism, and many of its members practice white supremacist versions of odinism, asatrú and heathenism. No version of Paganism is inherently racist, but Operation Werewolfs attempts to co-opt  paganism are not new, and white supremacists have a long history of practicing old Germanic religions, largely because they see them as part of a mythological “Aryan” past. As one could have guessed, Operation Werewolf also has ties to the NSBM scene, which explains Laskeys involvement. Over social media Laskey has promoted the group numerous times, and has taken photos of himself wearing one of Operation Werewolf’s T-shirts. 

   Due to his habit of stabbing people, Laskeys incarnation of American Front did not last long. In January of 2019 he was arrested again for stabbing a fellow member of American front in Eugene, and as a result picked up felony assault charges. He was convicted and spent the next year in prison, before ultimately being released in 2020. 

  After his release he left Creswell and quietly moved to Gilchrist. Due to his restrictions on associating with the white nationalist movement, Laskey began to dabble in Satanic heavy metal, setting up his new production company Cuthean productions. His newest restrictions did not stop him from overtly associating with NSBM bands, and his instagram posts have contained a bizarre and unsettling mix of Neo-Nazi and Native American imagery. One album cover he was selling contained an eagle carrying a norse kolovrat (a symbol commonly appropriated by Neo-Nazis) superimposed over the colors of the Mexican flag.


Laskey’s move to Gilchrist may have also been motivated by his current girlfriend, who is also into satanic heavy metal and appears to believe that she has telepathic powers (we still can’t quite figure it out). In any event, Laskeys presence in the Bend area has drawn the ire of local antifascist researchers and journalists due to his past history and his current ties to NSBM


MurderFest 2023

As mentioned previously,  in early January 2023 Laskey announced “Murderfest 2023” and the metal show has since been promoted by various production companies. Due to Laskey’s recent run ins with law enforcement the fate of the metal show is currently up in the air. What we find particularly interesting is that not all of the bands slated to play at the event were explicitly national socialist. Several bands including Kvlt of Odium, whose lead guitarist is part Native American, pulled out of the event after catching on to the shows Nazi undertones. For the purposes of this article we will only be listing the nsbm bands that were invited to attend murderfest, as the music production company Black Metal Knights Productions (which was run by the lead singer of Swatvout, one of the bands slated to perform at Murderfest) disavowed the event and convinced many of the non-NSBM bands to pull out at the last moment. We would also note that Laskey claimed that the proceeds from the metal show would be used to “fight pedophilia” even though it is unclear exactly how this would be achieved.

Murderfest 2023 flyer







Murderfest 2023 NSBM Bands



Wehrkraft is an NSBM band based out of the Sacramento area that has been active for the past 4 years. Originally named Eisenstürm (German for iron storm) , the band emphasizes satanism, national socialism, paganism, and nature in its music. The lead singer is named Terrence Hubbard, who has used a number of aliases in past albums and performances, including goatchrist, owlblood, graf azagthorgh, ulfethnar kriegsmesser, and goatchrist desolator. His facebook profile is littered with Nazi imagery, including pictures of him wearing a heavy metal jacket with confederate flag and Nazi themed patches.













Some of his artwork also features the Sonnenrad or black sun, a symbol that is explicitly tied to Neo-Nazi occultism, and was co opted after its discovery on the floor of a room in Welwsberg castle in Germany, which for a short time served as the headquarters for Heinrich Himmler’s SS. 














One picture also features Hubbard wearing a necklace with a pentagram associated with a Satanic cult called the Order of the 9 Angels. We understand that Satanism and black metal go hand in hand much like mathematics and physics, but the Order of the Nine Angles differs from regular satanism because its ideology is explicitly accelerationist and Neo-Nazi. The cult was originally founded in Britain in the 80’s but fell into obscurity up until recently. Members of the group have been accused of engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice, child rape/ sexual abuse, and animal mutilation. The group has also been tied to terrorist activity, including a bizarre incident where a US paratrooper who had been radicalized by the group planned an ambush on his own unit to take their weapons and equipment. The group is ideologically similar and even has ties to accelerationist Neo nazi groups like The Base and Atomwaffen Division, as it claims that modern democratic society is irredeemable  and seeks to bring about its collapse by committing acts of terrorism and in its own words “living a sinister lifestyle.” The Order of the Nine angles philosophy also centers around the idea that the third reich was the peak of human civilization, and that eventually the white race will have to repopulate the earth and spread out among the galaxy. The cult also venerates Islamic fundamentalist figures like Osama bin Laden, and members have expressed an interest in emulating groups like ISIS. 







Hubbard currently lives in citrus heights, california.

If you have any more info on him please email us.



Altrite is a Mexican catholic national socialist metal band based out of Southern California. Despite the fact that christian heavy metal is an oxymoron, the groups participation is particularly bizarre given that there are bands with names like “christ desecration” playing in the same concert. On its twitter page the band has promoted nsbm, and advertised songs it recorded like “long live the patriarchy.” The band also puts out tweets with the antisemitic triple parentheses that is commonly seen in far right internet subcultures.







The band itself is led by Mason Anthony Sepeda, who is the lead singer and typically uses the stage name ”el maestro mason“ or ”sangre sepeda“ on social media. He is friends with Terrence Hubbard and numerous other individuals associated with the NSBM scene on Facebook. A precursory glance at his social media reveals that his involvement with NSBM is relatively recent, and before immersing himself in black metal Mason was a fan of WWE wrestling. Sepeda currently lives in Santa Ana, California.

Mason Anthony Sepeda










Mason expressing his love for NSBM








Putrid invökation

Putrid Invökation is another heavy metal band based out of Sacramento California. Terrence Hubbard is one of the lead singers, alongside Trevor Snell who uses the stage name ”Grave Sodomizer.” The band emphasizes war, death, necrophilia, necromancy and anti-religion in its music . While none of these themes are inherently Neo Nazi or white supremacist, given Trevor Snells casual use of the n word on social media and Terrance Hubbards role as the lead singer we can only conclude that the band is at least sympathetic with Nazism. Out of genuine curiosity we listened to their music so you don’t have to and we can safely say they make your average amateur college dorm band look revolutionary. 

Trevor Snell using the n-word






trevor snell









Imperivm stands out on this list because they are the only band slated to play at murderfest that is not based out of California. The band originated in Idaho and their music embraces national socialism, paganism, antisemitism, and white nationalism. their logo also features a swastika and a wolfsangel, an ancient germanic pagan symbol that resembles a wolf trap. The wolfsangel was appropriated by the Nazis and used in the logos of several SS battalions during WW2.

imperivm logo












The lead singer uses the allias thorn noose. If you have any information on his identity please email us

killing Machine Motorcycle Cult

Killing Machine Motorcycle cult is an obscure Neo Nazi biker gang that has ties to Laskey. Despite having no internet presence the group is supposedly doing security for the event. More info will be coming soon 😉



  Before we go on we would stress that the aforementioned bands are not representative of heavy metal music, and like many subcultures it has been coopted by Neo Nazis to suit their own needs. Heavy metal and punk music tends to be anti authoritarian and anti-religious in nature, and genres like NSBM make up a tiny insignificant fraction of heavy metal music that is produced. That being said, NSBM should be opposed whenever and wherever it appears because it opens the door to radicalization and attracting young white men into the white power scene, which may have been one of the goals behind coopting it.

We would also point out that due to his violent and sociopathic personality, Laskey poses a huge threat to the community. He is a threat to women, he is a threat to minorities/marginalized groups, and he is even a threat to people who are supposedly sympathetic to his ideology. His long history of commiting hate crimes and his ongoing affiliation with the white power scene suggests that he is not deterred from commiting more racially motivated acts of violence, and may attempt to do so again in the future. If he is seen in public, we would highly recommend avoiding interaction at all costs. 

  While the fate of Laskeys metal show is currently in the balance as he is still facing federal charges, he may also attempt to host similar events in the future which may attract more unsavory figures. If other regular non-NSBM heavy metal bands are involved it is important to attempt to reach out to them and warn them about Laskey and the people he attracts. 

If you have any info on the location of the event please email us at centraloregonantifascist@protonmail.com

credit for some of the pics in this article goes to Eugene Antifa, Pacific Northwest Antifascist Workers Collective, and Rose City Antifa

Scott Martin: Violent Oregon Militia Member and Aspiring Mass Shooter

In collaboration with our partners at the Central Oregon Peacekeepers, we have identified Scott Martin as a violent militia member who commonly uses the handle “Bo Hica” on social media. Scott currently lives in Boise, Idaho, but he had been living in Redmond Oregon up until June of 2022. During his stint in Central Oregon he was involved with the American Patriot Three Percent militia group and Peoples Rights, both of which have ties to the broader far right militia movement that was active during the racial justice protests in 2020 and the subsequent “stop the steal” movement that coalesced around the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. A precursory glance at Scott’s social media reveals he has threatened overt acts of violence against community members and social justice advocates on multiple occasions, including calls for vigilantism when he feels the state is not enforcing the law against anyone he deems as “antifa” and threats to commit mass shootings on facebook. 



Full Name: Scott Alexander Martin

Aliases: Bo Hica, Boris Hica, Alex Martin, Scott Martin II, Bo Fubar Hica

Photos of Social Media:









social media:

facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080769858394

mymilitia: https://www.mymilitia.com/profile/24368-bo-hica/

Places lived

Redmond OR

Boise, Idaho (currently)

Clear Photo:



American Patriots Three Percent:

The Three Percent militia is an umbrella term for a number of different organizations that have traditionally  held antigovernment, right wing populist, christian nationalist, libertarian, and southern revanchist ideologies. While there are many legitimate criticisms of the government, the Three Percenters often indulge in baseless fringe conspiracy theories that are not only patently absurd but encourage real world violence. Their ideology centers around the idea that they are the ideological descendents of the revolutionaries who fought against the British because they believe it is their duty to overthrow a “tyrannical” US government. Recently their rhetoric has shifted from simple opposition to laws they deem as “unconstitutional” to an unwavering support of the Trump presidency, opposition to the 2020 protests in response to the death of George Floyd, and the embrace of conspiracy theories like Qanon. The Three Percenters also played a huge role in the “Stop The Steal” movement and were present during the January 6th storming of the US Capitol, the latter resulting in their designation as a terrorist entity by the Canadian government. 

  The  American Patriot Three Percent militia is a faction of the Three Percent movement that coalesced during the backlash against the election of Barack Obama in 2009. Originally founded in New York, the group now has a presence in many states, and regularly engages in paramilitary training/ activism. In Oregon they have been particularly active due to their participation in the 2016 occupation of the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge and their efforts to protect Oregon lawmakers who fled the state in an attempt to block climate change legislation. Members of the AP Three Percent have also been a common sight at Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer rallies that have taken place on the Portland waterfront, where they could be seen marching alongside neo-fascist groups like the Proud Boys. In addition, They have been a fixture at numerous pro-trump rallies in Eugene, Salem and parts of Central Oregon. 

members of AP Three Percent on the Portland Waterfront with Patriot Prayer





Peoples Rights:

Peoples Rights is a far right militia initially formed by Ammon Bundy in response to mandates intended to curb the spread of COVID-19. While the group formed in Idaho they are now the largest paramilitary group in Oregon, encompassing numerous former Three Percent groups and people who have engaged in opposition to COVID mandates, opposition to the 2020 protests in response to racial injustice, election denialism, and other issues that have recently animated the far right ( this has included opposition to LGBT rights). Currently Peoples Rights in Oregon is led by BJ Soper, who founded the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard and has since been a common sight at far right protests in Central Oregon. Additionally , Peoples Rights appears to have a friendly relationship with the Bend Police Department, in part because the Bend sheriff has spoken with the group on numerous occasions, and Bend PD has allowed members of PR to participate in brawls with local activists without consequence. A member of the Bend PD was also spotted with a Three Percent patch, which despite the resulting fervent public outcry went largely ignored by the then chief of police Mike Krantz


Scott Martins Militia activity:

In 2020 Scott Martin was affiliated with the American Patriots Three Percent militia. He attended numerous armed militia rallies in Prineville that served as a backlash against the then ongoing protests after the death of George Floyd. Other well known militia members were in attendance including BJ Soper, Three Percent member Jarred Tyrea Robinson, and Albany militia member Paul Luhrs.






Scott has also advertised his affiliation with the AP Three Percenters on the site Mymilitia, which was created as a social media platform for militias to recruit new members. Even though the site mostly consists of boomers who frequently go on incoherent constitutional rants, it has been linked to violent activities, including threats to bomb government buildings and directions on how to construct various weapons and explosives. 

Scott Martin on MyMilitia


Scott Martin advertising his affiliation with the AP 3%


In the wake of the January 6th 2021 insurrection the AP Three Percenters largely folded into Peoples Rights in an apparent attempt to distance themselves from the Three Percent brand. Throughout 2021, Peoples Rights participated in protests across Central Oregon, including an anti-mask/anti vax event in front of Redmond High School that took place in January 2022. The event was reportedly monitored by the FBI and largely consisted of several members of Peoples Rights handing out free McDonalds coupons in an attempt to goad students into eschewing the high school’s mask mandates. Scott Martin was in attendance at the event, alongside well known militia member Scott Stuart. 

    As mentioned previously, Martin recently moved to Idaho, and is now an active member of the Idaho Liberty Dogs. The group has been known to harass homeless members of the community and like their militia counterparts in Oregon, have whipped up fear and paranoia about the Black Lives Matter movement. They have attempted to disrupt LGBTQ+ events on numerous occasions, which is a reflection of the rhetoric that is being used to demonize the LGBTQ+ community that has shaped an extremely dangerous trend on the far right. 

History of Threats

We have known about Scott Martins activities for a while, but his most recent actions have left us no choice but to expose his identity. In the last couple of days, Martin threatened to carry out a mass shooting at a Pride parade in Boise on Facebook. While most fash will try to keep their threats vague or conceal their identities in the case they are directly threatening someone, Martin’s threats are not only specific in nature but are posted under his usual alias (Boris Hica). 


This is not the first time Martin has threatened members of the community. He had previously threatened to burn down the BIPOC friendly Worthy Brewing company on the East Side of Bend after they hosted an event put on by the Central Oregon Peacekeepers. Since then Martin has posted a list of people he would like to see dead, which included the pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Bend, Deschutes county district attorney John Hummel, and numerous social justice advocates local to the Bend area. As mentioned previously he has also made numerous calls for vigilantism against BLM activists, stating that its time for “good ole’ fashioned cowboy law.”












Martin has made numerous antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ comments on his Facebook, including a post equating Judaism with Satanism, an old anti-semitic trope. 


















Due to his constant threats and his escalating rhetoric on Facebook, Scott remains a clear and present danger to the community and is at risk of committing a lone wolf act of violence. If you have any more information on Scott Martins activities or affiliations please email centraloregonantifascist@protonmail.com

Nicholas Wolfgang Kaufman: Patriot Front Member and Physicians assistant in Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania

As discussed in previous articles, Patriot Front is a neo fascist and white supremacist group that is obsessed with branding and optics. The group initially splintered off of the Neo-Nazi organization Vangaurd America after their disasterous stint at the Unite the Right rally, and have since tried to distance themselves by maintaining an entirely new aesthetic. The organization espouses a neo-fascist and white supremacist version of American nationalism, and uses a mix of american patriotic imagery and fascist symbolism in its propaganda. The group mostly participates in mundane activism like placing fliers, stickers and banners in public areas or organizing the occasional flash march. These events are always short lived and take place in the dead of night to avoid scrutiny by counterprotestors. Typically these heavily choreographed flash marches only take place so the group can then use them as propaganda to recruit new members. 

Recently the independent media collective Unicorn Riot released a trove of data revealing the inner workings of the group. The leak revealed an organization that is micromanaged by its current leader Thomas Rousseau. The group is heavily top down and hierarchical, with patriot front chapters around the country being split into networks, with each network having a “director” that reports directly to Rousseau. The leaked chats also reveal a coordinated effort to vandalize monuments and murals dedicated to social justice movements, which could be construed as hate crimes. This sort of behavior is not new to the group, which has frequently targeted synagogues with its propaganda in the past. 

This brings us to Nicholas Wolfgang Kaufman aka “Mark PA” in the  leaked Rocket chats. Nicholas is by all accounts a newer member of the group, having gained access to its rocket chats in november 2021. From what we know about Nicholas he was a former division 3 football player at Kings College in Maryland, having played the linebacker position and recorded a measly season high of 2 tackles. 











In his relatively short stint in the chat logs, Nicholas was an extremely active member of the group, posting numerous fliers and stickers across the Philadelphia metro area and the Lehigh valley.














It is worth noting the PA chapter of Patriot Front had also previously vandalized an “anti-hate” mural in Boyerstown, Pennsylvania. While it is unclear if Nicholas had participated in the vandalism or if he had even applied for the group by the time it had happened, it shows that the chapter has willingly participated in hate crimes in the past. 



On December 4, 2021 Patriot Front members held a short lived “flash march” in Washington DC. While most of the group carried American flags with Patriot Front’s logo (A fasces with thirteen stars around it), some also carried metal shields and wore shin guards in an apparent attempt to defend themselves from counter protestors.  After about an hour of marching on the Capitol Mall, the group of fascists found that their Uhauls were nowhere in sight due to logistical problems caused by antifascist infiltration. The 200 or so Patriot Front members stood in the cold December weather for several hours before U-hauls could pick them up. The morning before the event the group’s shield team drilled and practiced their formations for the upcoming event (which they do completely wrong). Nicholas aka “Mark” could be seen standing next to other PA Patriot Front members holding a large metal shield.











From what we can gleam Nick graduated from Kings college with a degree in Physicians assistant studies and now works for Lehigh Valley Hospital in Bethlehem Pennsylvania. They can be reached at (610) 402-8900


Riley Johnson: Patriot Front Member and Computer Science Major at DSU

Patriot Front is a neo-fascist, white supremacist group that was created by Texas based teenager and avowed fascist Thomas Rousseau. The group initially splintered off of Vanguard America, an explicitely Neo-Nazi group that was responsible for the Death of Heather Heyer at the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Virginia after one their members drove his car into a crowd of counterprotestors. Patriot Front espouses a white supremacist and fascist version of American Nationalism, and their propoganda utilizes a mix of American Patriotic imagery and fascist symbolism. For example, the groups logo is a fasces with 13 stars around it, which was the original symbol of the Italian Fascist party in the 1920’s and 30’s.

Patriot Front logo







Thomas Rousseau at Unite the Right



The groups online manifesto also further reveals their white supremacist beliefs, claiming that African Americans arent trully Americans. In its own words: 

 “An African, for example, may have lived, worked, and even been classed as a citizen in America for centuries, yet he is not American. He is, as he likely prefers to be labeled, an African in America. The same rule applies to others who are not of the founding stock of our people as well as to those who do not share the common unconscious that permeates throughout our greater civilization, and the European diaspora.” The manifesto also claims that democracy has failed in the United States, and explicitly advocates for a fascist government. It goes on to say “The time of the Republic has passed in America as the system grows too weak to perform its duty. … The damage done to this nation and its people will not be fixed if every issue requires the approval and blessing from the dysfunctional American democratic system. Democracy has failed in this once great nation.”

   While the group explicitly brands themselves as American fascists, they typically utilize theatrical rhetoric and flashy propaganda to try to appeal to a more mainstream audience. The group often engages in flyering and banner drops, as well as the occasional flash mob. These events are often short lived and tightly choreographed for propaganda value. The most recent of these events took place in Washington DC on December 4, when 200 Patriot Front members marched on the National mall in Washington DC wearing knee pads and carrying shields. Due to infiltration by antifascists the group’s Uhauls arrived hours late, leaving the assortment of Patriot Front fascists shivering in the December weather. Patriot Front also was in attendance at the annual March for life in Chicago, seemingly in an attempt to recruit new members and spread their propaganda. While many members of the March for Life berated the group and accused them of hijacking their movement, they also received some positive attention from rallygoers.   

  After their recent stint at the March for Life in Chicago, Unicorn Riot released hundreds of chat logs and materials from the group exposing their inner workings. Unsurprisingly the organization is strictly micromanaged by Rousseau, who seems to rule over members with an iron fist. Members are required to report their weight, fitness activity, and diet, and any unwanted change in diet or weight gain could lead to suspension or expulsion from the group. The organization also does not allow members to drink alcohol or talk about gun ownership, and all of the groups propoganda must be bought directly from Rousseau, who uses the money to pay his rent. The leaked chats also show a coordinated effort to commit vandalism against murals and sculptures dedicated to social justice movements. In the Pacific Northwest these have included the defacement of the statue of York on Mount Tabor in Portland (not mentioned in the chat although there is evidence Patriot Front was involved) and the covering of an LGBT pride mural in Olympia 

Patriot Front members mock the destruction of the Pride mural in Olympia







Statue of York defaced by Patriot Front members








What we have also learned from combing the leaked chats is that the group also tries to recruit members who have experience with programming and cybersecurity onto their “tech team.” This brings us to Riley Johnson a.k.a Tyler SD. Riley is currently majoring in Computer Science at the University of South Dakota, and has done internships with the defense contractor known as Mantech. He has participated in numerous cybersecurity competitions including one hosted by AT&T.  He is also an avid racist and one of three members of patriot front in South Dakota. He has also worked extensively on Patriot Front’s website and cybersecurity. In the chat logs Riley shows his extensive knowledge of computer science, and frequently helps members with websites they own

Riley Johnson







    Oddly despite his technical knowledge Riley was never on Patriot Front’s tech team but did play a huge role in vetting new Patriot front members. Due to a paranoia of infiltration by antifascists, the group has an extensive vetting process involving first filling out an application for the group then participating in an online and in person interview. Riley was the notetaker for many of the online interviews, and sometimes participated in vetting members in person. He also played a role in the decision to accept new applicants. It is worth noting that a lot of applicants political affiliations are explicitly National Socialist or white nationalist. Applicants must also be straight white males between the ages of 18-35 (Although they have recruited teenagers younger than 18) and cannot be overweight or have medical conditions.

Various interviews have Tyler SD listed as the notetaker








Riley aka Tyler SD tells an applicant to join a voice channel for his interview






Riley has also attended multiple events with the group, including their December 4 march on the national mall in Washington DC. It is unclear how long Riley had to wait to get into a Uhaul but it was probably a while.

Riley talking about attending the march in Washington DC on the 4th






   In October of 2021 Riley attended a hike with Patriot Front members in Michigan. Much like their public appearances, nature hikes are choreographed events, and members typically take group photos holding an American flag with Patriot fronts logo where the 50 stars would normally be or they may film themselves reading the groups manifesto. On this particular hike the dozen or so fascists including Riley left Patriot front flyers in their wake

Stickers left by the group





Riley and his fellow Patriot Front members







Facepick of Riley at the hike









   The evening after their hike the group filmed themselves burning LGBT pride flags over an open campfire while chanting the fascist slogan “Blood and soil.” which has its origin in Nazi Germany.

According to the groups chat logs Riley has flyered and stickered with other members of the group, which is a requirement for members. These flyerings are often used as propaganda on Patriot Fronts Telegram channel and more often than not they are used to intimidate members of minority communities. 

   Due to Riley’s connection to defense contractors and knowledge of cybersecurity he presents a threat to anyone he comes into contact with. 

Please contact Mantech at (703) 218-6000 and tell them to stop giving internships to Nazis. Also go to https://dsu.edu/contact.html and tell them that they have a Nazi in their midst

Edit: It appears Riley now works for Raven Industries in South Dakota. They can be reached at (605)-343-1401

full name: Riley J Johnson

clear photos:

github: https://githubhelp.com/the-rileyj/?page=2

James Eldridge: PDX Proud Boy

James Leo Eldridge is a Beaverton based member of the Neo-fascist/Chauvinist gang known as the Proud Boys. While it is unclear how long he has been a member of the group, Eldridge’s involvement with the Proud Boys goes back to at least the summer of 2020, when he was spotted attending protests that served as a backlash against the growing movement for racial justice. What we do know about Eldridge is that he is well educated, and had previously worked as an engineer at Darigold in Portland. He is also a father of 4 who lives with his ideologically aligned wife.

Note: Eldridge is not currently working at Darigolds







James Rails against antifascist protestors on Facebook



July 4 2020 Salem Rally

On July 4th 2020 hundreds of protesters in support of racial justice marched to the Oregon capitol building in Salem. They were met by a smaller number of counter protestors, which included an unsavory mix of Proud Boys, Three Percent militia, Back the Blue rallygoers, and Qanon conspiracy theorists. There was also a clear collaboration between the Salem Police Department and the far right, as one officer was filmed making an “ok” sign, a hand gesture appropriated by white supremacists. On his facebook page Eldridge took pictures of the rally 

Eldridge shared pictures of the July 4th 2020 rally on Facebook



August 22 2020 “Say no to Marxism” rally:

On August 22, 2020, Proud Boys, Back the Blue supporters, members of the “Patriot Coalition,” and numerous overt Neo-Nazis traveled to Portland to participate in the ”Say No to Marxism“/”Back the Blue“ rally that took place in front of the Portland Justice Center downtown. The far right crowd was armed with bats, shields, paintball guns, bear mace, and fireworks. For the first hour the right wing protestors formed a shield wall in the street and attacked a much smaller group of antifascist counter protestors. After a copious number of paintballs being fired and numerous injuries, it became evident that the antifascist crowd was growing and the fascists were becoming heavily outnumbered. Eventually the far right rally goers were routed out and chased. Throughout the ordeal Eldridge could be seen standing behind several members of the PNW Patriot coalition, including Trent Ulrey and Daniel Lippke.




August 22 2021

A year after the extremely violent rally that took place in downtown Portland that saw the Proud Boys being routed by antifascists, the admin of the private facebook group COPSNW Audra Price decided to hold a rally to commemorate the event, possibly in an attempt to seek revenge for the events of the prior year. While at first the rally was set to take place near the Salmon Springs fountain on the Portland waterfront, the venue was changed when it became apparent that the Proud Boys were going to be heavily outnumbered. While a vastly larger group of antifascists hosted a counterprotest on the waterfront, many miles away the actual event took place in an abandoned k-mart parking lot, which coincidentally happened to be a working class community home to many BIPOC and immigrant families. The rally quickly took a violent turn when a small group of antifascists showed up to counterprotest. The Proud boys did not hesitate to start attacking the crowd with paintball guns and baseball bats. After a running street battle and Tusitala “Tiny” Toese getting a fresh coat of paint the antifascists retreated. The Proud Boys then attacked cars that they believed belonged to antifascist counter protestors and tipped over a van that had driven into the parking lot. Eldridge could be seen squarely in the middle of the chaos, wearing a PDX proud boys shirt that celebrated mass shooter Kyle Rittenhouse. 


He also appears to be an acquaintance of white nationalist “groyper” Haley Adams, who is a common sight at rallies hosted by the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer. He is featured in a photo taken on 8/22 alongside Adams, who is repping an Atomwaffen style skull mask and sunglasses (which make her look like a total dork) and longtime Proud Boy Carl “Flip” Todd


In another picture taken at the same rally, Eldridge appears to berate an anti-rascist counter protester who had been pepper-sprayed




James Eldridge is a threat to the community due to his continued involvement with Proud Boy organizing in the Pacific Northwest. While the Proud Boys have suffered legal/financial woes largely stemming from the capitol insurrection on 1/6/2021, they still appear to be active and possibly more violent than ever before. 



Address: 2325 sw 194th ave Beaverton Oregon 


Birthdate: 3/25/1971

social media:






clear photos:




Gary Edward Franklin: Neo-Nazi in Eugene Oregon

A Neo-Nazi based in Eugene Oregon – Gary Franklin- has been running a dating site for Neo Nazis called Aryanfolk.com. Since the site went online in 2020, it has gained hundreds of members including various well known Neo Nazi organizers across the Pacific Northwest. One example is Spokane based Neo Nazi Eddie Mcbride, who runs the Neo Nazi group 14 First and uses the allias “Thor’s Hammer” on Aryanfolk. Recently his group has become the subject of controversy after one of their members was arrested for vandalizing a synagogue in the Spokane area. Mcbride’s girlfriend Jamie Larson also posts on the site using the alias “Freya Odinson”

Eddie Mcbride
Jamie Larson












While Aryanfolk.com was recently put online, it appears Gary Franklin is one of the more “old school” members of the white power scene. Gary’s Stormfront profile where he uses the alias “Swaz” indicates he joined in November of 2010.

Gary’s profile on Stormfront





   On one forum Gary shows interest in joining the Pacific Coast Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which was an attempt to revive the klan in the Pacific Northwest. While for many years the groups membership was minimal, by 2020 the it was virtually nonexistent, reflecting a larger trend of klan groups becoming less and less popular as fascists try to mainstream their ideology through optics.



Franklin expressing interest in PCKKKK




   Franklin also appears to have ties to the Portland based Neo-Nazi gang Volksfront which was formed in the Oregon prison system. The group’s stated goal was to turn the Pacific Northwest into a homeland for whites, and its membership was largely of the leftover members of other fractured Oregon based skinhead groups including East Side White Pride. In one message Franklin claims he wanted to “sit down” with them


Franklin wanted to “Sit down” with Volksfront




Volksfront logo





Despite his association with older elements of the white power scene Franklins new dating website appears to be an attempt to emulate New Saxon, a Neo Nazi social media website started by Florida based white supremacist Todd Findley that went offline after the National Socialist Movement bought the website but experienced a schism with their appointed webmaster Eric Adams. In fact, on his Stormfront profile Franklin even admits he used the same code as New Saxon.

Gary admits he used the code from New Saxon to
create Aryanfolk.net. It is worth noting that New Saxon was modeled after facebook and Myspace



Screenshot of New Saxon logo






Franklin also appears to have been influenced by Portland based Volksfront member Dylan Wheeler, who started a dating website called Folkcom. At its peak Folkcom had about 200 members before it went offline in September of 2005. While Gary Franklin mostly uses his Stormfront profile to promote his new website, he also uses the account “AF admin” on Aryanfolk. On his website Gary posts copious amounts of Neo Nazi propoganda and rascist cartoons/images. The site even uses the Othala rune as its logo, which is an ancient Norse rune commonly appropriated by Neo Nazis to symbolize a mythical  “aryan” past. It is worth noting that the usage of this rune may not necessarily be racist by itself, but combined with other Neo Nazi symbols it is a further indicator of a fascist ideology.



Othala rune





Gary posts a propaganda poster with the numbers 1488, a numerical code representing the white supremacist 14 words and the slogan ”Heil Hitler“, as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet













Gary promotes a Nazi propaganda poster









Gary compares people of color to primates





Franklin shares a racist joke he apparently thinks is funny








   Other than posting massive amounts of hate filled propaganda Gary also has several older profiles on dating sites, including whitegirldating.com where he claims he wants to have a long term relationship (just a bit of dating advice don‘t be a Nazi) 

Gary’s dating profile





   Franklin also has an enormous criminal record including menacing, DUI and carrying a concealed weapon. His most recent stint with the law was in May of 2021. He was arrested on federal charges of stalking and mailing threats when he sent a letter to a former teaching claiming he wanted to mutilate and kill her, all while using racial and anti-LGBT slurs. He faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. 

Gary Franklin mugshot



                     Gary has lived in a number of places across Oregon including Gearhart and Portland but currently resides in Eugene. If you have any tips regarding Gary Franklin or any of his associates please send them to centraloregonantifascist@protonmail.com






address: 507 N Cottage Eugene Oregon

birthdate: 5/29/1963


clear photos: